Born in a Barn Studio

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Ongoing Winter Projects

So recently we had the pleasure of working with Mr Declan Cargill who writes some brilliant strange stuff bringing a lovely challenge to music making but the outcomes have been very rewarding tbh. ‘Fight’ is a song about personal struggle within - we all have ‘em!
Also, introducing Hazza on the studio kit (and making it sound super-great) as guest drummer for DANE-O’s project, borrowed from local rock band Ventura, Harry is a very talented chap and delivered some edgy and moody moments to this time-tickler of a track. Big thanks to O Jacko for laying some bass along the ways and great production input also.

Then we have Phil King, composer extraordinaire cos he does it all in the complete dark, but the most recent project has seen him learn and copy a song written by Andrew Charlett from over 60 years ago and bring it to life, accompanied by his Dad John King who used a fabulous & rare Daion acoustic guitar. Andrew had the most fleeting visit to the studio but we captured his voice and shot footage for the forthcoming video. ‘Please Think of Me’ is a wondrous tale about hopeful feelings during a break up and has a very quirky edge & slight twist - of course.

Lastly featured here is Nash the (almost famous) Sitar player whom I have known for 20 years and will one day soon pop to BB Studio to record some Sitar tunes - just needs to get one of the drones fixed I think and rustle up his tabla players.